Elbert with Lavonne |
From Psychology Today OnLine
If your furry best friend is feeling a little anxious or
stressed, it may be time to pop a CD into that surround sound system. But what
would be best: Metallica, Beatles, or Vivaldi? In the general wellness department, dogs may
profit from a regular dose of the right music along with daily walks in the
park and designer dog food.
The fact that music can calm the panicked pooch is no surprise to music
therapists who have studied the effects of rhythm, sound, voice, and song on
humans for many decades, demonstrating its health-giving affects on everyone from
pregnant women to older adults with
Researchers have long
known that music affects the nervous system and cardiovascular system. Now,
hundreds of animal hospitals, kennels, and rescue shelters have taken notice of
music as
therapy for dogs, as well
as devoted dog owners themselves. We can purchase specialized CDs with music
designed for doggy listening and there is even a pet-friendly radio station (
Much of the current knowledge about music's effects on dogs comes from the
work of Belfast-based psychologist and animal behaviorist Deborah Wells.
exposed numerous breeds of dogs to everything from Metallica to the classical
music of Beethoven, Bach, and Vivaldi. Wells found that dogs in shelters, who are exposed to classical music, spent more time
in a resting state, barking a lot less than other dogs. In contrast, heavy
metal music agitated the dogs [which somehow does not come as a great
surprise]. Classical music-and Bach in particular-- reduces
separation anxiety and
stress behavior, including
reactions to loud noises such as thunderstorms.
And pop music had no effect at
all, possibly because dogs, like humans, are used to hearing it regularly. So
apparently, Paul McCartney and Barry Manilow pose no known harm to canine
mental health.
Dogs are known also to take comfort in music with slower rhythms, fewer
instruments, and simpler melodies. Because dogs hear at much higher frequencies
than people do, music to calm the particularly panicked pooch should be played
a low volume. But is all classical music Fido-friendly? The answer isn't in yet
and dogs, like humans, seem to prefer a little variety. So, roll over
Beethoven, your dog may also dig a little rhythm and blues.